
開催にあたって  五百年前の茶人を魅了した備前焼。茶人たちは備前に野趣に富んだ美を見出しました。
本イベントでは 備前を代表する作家から気鋭の若手作家の備前焼を用い、TOKYO MIDTOWNにて「備前焼大茶会」を開催します。「伝統的な茶の湯」と「現代流茶会」の10茶席を催し、それぞれの茶の湯と備前STYLEを楽しんでいただきます。


The Great Tea Ceremony with Bizen Ware
Going back to 500 years ago, the masters of the tea ceremony had been fascinated by Bizen Ware. They found rustic charm in Bizen Ware.
Bizen Ware was originated in the ancient pottery called "Sueki" in late Heian Era. It was produced for daily utensils, such as pots, jars, mortars, and became popular because of its toughness. In the Muromachi Era, many tea wares were produced with the expression of Wabi and Sabi, literally taste for the simple and quiet. Since then, its rustic allure hidden in the richness of the clay has been attracting people even in today.
Actually using the Bizen Ware produced by the potters from young promised artists to the Living National Treasure masters, we will be offering the Great Tea Ceremony in Tokyo Midtown. You will be enjoying traditional tea ceremony and contemporary tea party at our 10 tea events in Bizen Style. You will find Bizen Ware in new way at the traditional ceremony and innovative style at the contemporary tea party. Tea Masters are looking forward to offer you a cup of tea in modern elegance.

茶会開始時間 11:00 茶会終了時間 17:00
東京ミッドタウン  THE COVER NIPPON(ジカバー・ニッポン)
東京都港区赤坂 9-7-3 東京ミッドタウン ガレリア3階
TEL:03-5413-0658 FAX:03-5413-0659
アクセス情報  / 店舗営業時間 11:00~21:00
<伝統的な茶の湯> 各10名様(1席5名様)
表千家 裏千家 武者小路千家 宗和流 遠州流
<現代流茶会> 各15名様(1席5名様)
極上手揉み煎茶会 紅茶会 中国茶会 デザイナーズ茶会
山上 昌弘