本展では、気鋭の若手作家から国指定重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)の作品まで約180名の作品を一挙展示販売致します。長い伝統を持つ備前焼の美しさをご堪能いただくとともに 新しい時代にチャレンジし続ける「備前STYLE」をTOKYO MIDTOWNより発信し、備前焼の新たな魅力に迫ります。
Japanese pottery is a culture of which Japan takes pride in the world. The Bizen Ware is one of the most popular potteries in Japan. It has a long/profound history of about 1000 years and it is known as one of what we categorize as the "Japanese Oldest Six Kilns."
Bizen Ware is characterized as using a technique known as "Yakishime," with no glaze applied to cover the surface. By this, each Bizen Ware bears a different effect and expression created by the flames of the kiln. The beauty of Bizen Ware fascinates Japanese as well as foreign fanciers. In the modern years, 5 potters of Bizen Ware, including Mr. Toyo Kaneshige, have been certified as the Living National Treasure and many other potters have been striving to passing down the traditional skills and allure.
In this Exhibition of Bizen Ware, the works of 180 potters, young promising artists to the Living National Treasure, will be displayed for sale. You will meet "Bizen Style", keeping its challenge to the new era, and find out new allure of Bizen Ware at Tokyo Midtown.
【開催場所】東京ミッドタウン THE COVER NIPPON